Magnitude | 5.1 |
Date time | 2012-02-05 17:01:10.1 UTC |
Location | 18.618 ; -101.235 |
Depth | 51 km |
Distance | 121 km S of Morelia, Mexico / pop: 597,000 / local time: 11:01:10.1 2012-02-05 20 km NNE of Aratichanguío, Mexico / pop: 1,400 / local time: 11:01:10.1 2012-02-05 |
All data providers for this event:
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences -- Obninsk, Russia (GSRAS)Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, German Regional Seismograph Network -- Hannover, Germany (BGR)
National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, United States (NEIC)
Further information can be found at:
National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, United States (NEIC)Servicio Sismologico Nacional, Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM -- Mexico City, Mexico (UNM)
GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) -- Potsdam, Germany (GFZ)