SummaryMapsTestimonies Medias Scientific data
Date time2020-12-29 00:19:01.7 UTC
Location45.390 ; 16.220
Depth1 km
Distance51 km SSE of Zagreb, Croatia / pop: 698,000 / local time: 01:19:01.7 2020-12-29
15 km SW of Sisak, Croatia / pop: 35,700 / local time: 01:19:01.7 2020-12-29
All data providers for this event:
Slovenian Environment Agency, Seismology Office -- Ljubljana, Slovenia (ARSO)
Seismological Survey of Serbia -- Belgrade, Serbia (BEO)
Croatian Seismological Survey, University of Zagreb -- Zagreb, Croatia (CSS)
Further information can be found at:
Slovenian Environment Agency, Seismology Office -- Ljubljana, Slovenia (ARSO)
Croatian Seismological Survey, University of Zagreb -- Zagreb, Croatia (CSS)