Magnitude | 2.0 |
Date time | 2023-02-08 01:54:00.4 UTC |
Location | 43.417 ; 12.690 |
Depth | 13 km |
Distance | 42 km NNE of Perugia, Italy / pop: 120,000 / local time: 02:54:00.4 2023-02-08 12 km NE of Gubbio, Italy / pop: 14,300 / local time: 02:54:00.4 2023-02-08 |
All data providers for this event:
Servicio Sismologico Nacional, Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM -- Mexico City, Mexico (UNM)Further information can be found at:
Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Rome, Italy (INGV)