SummaryMapsTestimonies Medias Scientific data
Date time2024-09-07 06:31:12.3 UTC
Location37.262 ; 37.095
Depth10 km
Distance118 km NNW of Aleppo, Syria / pop: 1,602,000 / local time: 09:31:12.3 2024-09-07
34 km WNW of Gaziantep, Turkey / pop: 1,065,000 / local time: 09:31:12.3 2024-09-07
Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist
All data providers for this event:
Seismological Survey of Serbia -- Belgrade, Serbia (BEO)
EMSC - CSLOC -- Arpajon, France (CSLC)
Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Department (AFAD) -- Ankara, Turkey (AFAD)
GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) -- Potsdam, Germany (GFZ)
Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera -- Lisbon, Portugal (IPMA)
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute -- Istanbul, Turkey (KOERI)
Landsamt fur Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau -- Freiburg, Germany (LED)
Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (IGN)
Malaysian Meteorological Department -- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (MET)
Norwegian Seismic Array -- Kjeller, Norway (NORSAR)
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics -- Cairo, Egypt (NRIAG)
EMSC -- Arpajon, France (SC4)
Further information can be found at:
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute -- Istanbul, Turkey (KOERI)
Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Department (AFAD) -- Ankara, Turkey (AFAD)
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences -- Obninsk, Russia (GSRAS)