Magnitude | 4.9 |
Date time | 2024-12-25 21:39:32.3 UTC |
Location | 50.712 ; -129.936 |
Depth | 7 km |
Distance | 514 km W of Vancouver, Canada / pop: 600,000 / local time: 13:39:32.3 2024-12-25 201 km W of Port McNeill, Canada / pop: 2,000 / local time: 13:39:32.3 2024-12-25 |
Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist
All data providers for this event:
Alaska Tsunami Warning Seismic System, West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center -- Anchorage, United States (AT)GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) -- Potsdam, Germany (GFZ)
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences -- Obninsk, Russia (GSRAS)
National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, United States (NEIC)
EMSC -- Arpajon, France (SC4)
Further information can be found at:
GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) -- Potsdam, Germany (GFZ)National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, United States (NEIC)
Canadian National Seismic Network (CNSN) BB stations -- Ottawa, Canada (CN)