SummaryMapsTestimonies Medias Scientific data
Date time2014-03-30 04:03:35.3 UTC
Location43.480 ; 12.400
Depth8 km
Distance41 km N of Perugia, Italy / pop: 120,000 / local time: 06:03:35.3 2014-03-30
13 km ENE of Città di Castello, Italy / pop: 22,400 / local time: 06:03:35.3 2014-03-30
All data providers for this event:
Seismological Survey of Serbia -- Belgrade, Serbia (BEO)
Malta Seismic Network, Seismic Monitoring and Research Unit (SMRU), University of Malta -- Imsida, Malta (MLT)
Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, German Regional Seismograph Network -- Hannover, Germany (BGR)
Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Rome, Italy (INGV)
Further information can be found at:
Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Rome, Italy (INGV)